Damnation: The Beast Principle

  • Sin is the mark of the beast, the laws is the mark of God
  • 2 Tim 2:19
  • 2 Thess 2 compared with Revelation 13
    • Isa 28:10
      • The laws are scattered throughout the book and must use them this way to get understanding
  • 2 Thess 2:1-2
    • Dont be troubled
    • Matt 11:1-6
      • What was the offense Christ was warning God about, John thought the kingdom was to be set up at that time
  • Acts 1:6-7
    • They also thought the kingdom was coming at that time
  • 2 Tim 2:16-18
    • They were teaching that the Revelation of the dead had already happened
  • 2 Thess 2:1-2
    • Saying the day of Christ is not at hand yet
  • 2 Thess 2:3
    • Falling away first Luke 21:24
      • All Israel had to go into captivity
      • Southern kingdom came back with remnants of the northern kingdom
  • 2 Thess 2:3-4
    • The son of perdition (state of eternal punishment and damnation into which a sinful and unpenitent person passes after death)
    • Exalted himself = idolatry
    • They put themselves up as god
  • WOS 14:27
    • Worshipping of idols beginning, middle, and end of all evil
  • The theory of colorism
  • In our media it always caucasians as God, Christ, and the angels
    • Our people have come to the point where Edom is worshipped
    • Fist he terroized us and then give us everything that we want
    • They control the narrative
  • List of seven heads and 10 horns
    • Rev 13:1
    • Beast = mankind (a race of man)
      • Eccl 3:18
    • 7 Heads
      • Greece, France, Russia, Great Britain, Rome, Spain, Germany
    • 10 Horns
      • Greece, France, Luxembourg, United Kingdom, Ireland, Belgium, Italy, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark
  • Rev 13:7
    • Rome came up in power
    • Pope Nicholas 5th wrote the papal bul that instituted slavery
      • Slavery in Spain can be traced to the slag era, Phoenicians and Romans. In the 9th century the Muslim Moorish rulers and local Jewish merchants traded in Spanish and Eastern European Christian slaves. Spain began to trade slaves in the 15th century and this trade reached its peak in the 16th century. The history of Spanish enslavement of Africans began with Portuguese captains Antão Gonçalves and Nuno Tristão in 1441. The first large group of African slaves, made up of 235 slaves, came with Lançarote de Freitas three years later.[1] In 1462, Portuguese slave traders began to operate in Seville, Spain. During the 1470s, Spanish merchants began to trade large numbers of slaves. Slaves were auctioned at market at a cathedral, and subsequently were transported to cities all over Imperial Spain. This led to the spread of Moorish, African, and Christian slavery in Spain. By the 16th century, 7.4 percent of the population in Seville, Spain were slaves. Many historians have concluded that Renaissance and early-modern Spain had the highest amount of African slaves in Europe.[2]
      • 421 years of Chattel slavery
  • Psa 148:14
    • The twelve tribes are the only saints
    • You are not a saint until you repent and keep the laws of God
  • They made war with both kingdoms. The natives they conquered were sent by ship to Spain
  • Rev 13:7-8
    • Slavery in Spain
    • They cut our children in half and fed them to the dogs
    • They conquered us and made the other nations indentured servants
      • They enslaved us and changed our identities
    • “him” 2 Thess 2:4 – Edom
  • Rev 13:13-14
    • dropped that atom bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    • They called this a miracle
    • Rome fell in 193AD and came back during the Renaissance (wound by a sword but did live)
  • Rev 13:15
    • The power that was given was violence (Edom can kill you)
    • End of Poverty (film – Northern kingdom religion and economics)
  • 1 Macc 3:48
  • Job 9:24
    • The wicked covers the faces of the judges
      • God, Christ, the angels, and the Israelites are the judges
  • 2 Thess 2:5
    • Acts 20:27-31 – Paul told us these things before
      • People came into the church changing the doctrine, wicked Israelites and the other nations would come in
      • We had schools learning the scriptures and there were Edomites in there
        • Reason why Christ did not go to the schools
      • Paul warned us for 3 years
  • 2 Thess 2:6
    • The subject matter 2 Thess 2:3
    • The wicked had to be revealed in their time
    • Deut 29:29
      • The things revealed belong to us to do, given to the Israelites
      • We must teach our children who the wicked are
    • Mal 1:1-4 – I hated Esau
      • During the dark ages, the mountains and heritage laid to waste
      • Septimius Severus hated the black Jews that kept the commandments, wanted to keep us in sin, but still hated edom more
      • The anti-christ is a race of people, that God hates forever
    • Amos 3:7
      • We were start to prophesy these things, that is when it on
    • Mystery of Iniquity = Man of Sin = Son of Perdition
      • Rev 17:5-6
        • Mystery = When we tell people America is Babylon the Great, they cannot believe it because all of the things America gives to us
        • Drunken with the blood of the saints
          • Death of the Israelites in America
  • 1 John 2:18
    • There are many anti-christs (the people the Lord has indignation against forever)
  • 2 Thess 2:8
    • Mal 1:4 – The racial identity of the people
  • Job 11:6
    • Many of the scriptures have double meaning
    • Jer 5:14
      • Consumed with the spirit of His mouth
  • Job 22:22
    • The law is the word of God, what we are to be preaching
  • 2 Esd 13:37-38
    • What Christ is going to do
  • Rev 19:11-17
    • Christ is coming back to judge and make war
    • The sharp sword Heb 4:12
      • Us teaching on the street
      • And Christ coming back to kill many people
    • After many are killed, the rest will be ruled over
    • Saw written on his pants
    • The birds are going to eat the dead bodies that Christ is going to leave on the ground
  • Rev 19:17-21
    • Kings of the earth = Arabia, China, South Korea, India, (Those with nuclear weapons)
    • The entire church system is the false prophet (Rev 14)
    • The mark of the beast (sin)
    • Political or religious policies
  • 2 Thess 2:9
    • The subject is revealing the man of sin
    • Comings after the working of Satan (why we shouldn’t deal with their politicians and religions)
      • We cannot do what they do
      • Gen 4:6-7
        • If you obey, you will be accepted by the Lord. If doest not well (keep the commandments)
        • If not, Satan shall rule over you
        • Gen 4:15 – Satan was dealing with the entire family line
    • Hab 2:4
      • Soul lifed up (he exalts himself as all things holy)
    • Matt 4:8-10
      • Satan shows Christ the kingdoms from that time forward
      • Why we must study God’s law to respond with the commandments
    • Matt 24:24
      • The elect of God cannot be deceived
      • No matter all the seemingly good edom does, we still know they are the devil the bible speaks of
    • Rev 13:13-14
      • Deceive them that dwell on the earth, outside of the elect
      • The term EU came after WW2
  • 2 Thess 2:10
    • deceivableness of unrighteousness
      • Rev 13:14
      • 1 John 5:17 – All unrighteousness is sin 1 John 3:4
    • Being deceived by unrighteousness
      • Rev 13:11-12
        • The other beast is the United States of America
        • Two Horns (Democrats and Republicans)
          • They teach the US based on Christian principles
          • Spake as a dragon (constitution says our voting rights expire every so often,
      • America worships Rome
  • 1 Macc 8:1
    • Fame of the Romans
    • 1 Macc 8:11
      • The West is behind the majority of coups
    • 1 Macc 8:15-16
      • Committed government to one man (president)
  • Rev 13:11-14
    • The image comes from Rome
  • Rev 13:15
  • Rev 16:13
    • Out of the mouth of the dragon politics
    • Beast = Economics
    • False Prohpet = Religion (mainly Christianity)
    • Three main reasons nations war
  • Rev 20:10
    • If you follow those groups you will be thrown into the lake of fire
    • When the nukes hit, it will look like a lake
  • Matt 24:11
    • They are trying to merge Judaism, Christianity, and Islam
  • 1 Cor 6:15-16
    • When you have sex with another, you are dealing with all the spirits of the people that woman has dealt with
    • Deut 33:17
    • James 4:1,4
      • The world teaches it is ok to fornicate
  • Sir 12:6
    • The Most High hates sinners
    • All those have not been judged yet, they are being kept to the day of their punishment
  • Deut 6:25 – The opposite of unrighteousness
    • Righteousness is keeping God’s commandments and the faith in Christ
  • 2 Thess 2:10
    • Rev 13:16-17 – The Uniting of Church and State
    • Deut 6:1,8
      • Frontlets between eyes = remember and meditate
  • Rev 13:16
    • To believe and do the sin
    • The name of the beast Rev 17:5 (Babylon the Great, the United States)
  • Rev 13:17-18
    • America forces nations to obey them
  • Sir 27:2
    • They can use this to cause you to sin
  • 2 Macc 5:27
    • They were a well known family
    • They lived after the manner of beasts and fed on herbs
  • Buying and Selling is a way to control you, to get you to obey
    • To control the population, you have to control the people messaging the population
  • Eze 28:2-5
    • America controls the World Bank and the IMF
  • Eze 28:18
  • 2 Thess 2:10-11
    • Psa 119:144
      • The law is the truth
    • Isa 30:9-13
      • Our people are rebellious and a race of liars
      • Politics and religion are oppressive systems
    • God send a strong delusion if you do not want to hear His laws
      • Isa 66:4
        • The Lord will choose our delusions because we rebel against Him
      • 1 Kings 22:19-23
        • The Lord has counsel, it is biblical
        • The angel said he would be a lying spirit
        • There is a lying spirit in the Christian pastors, some accept the truth and some do not
      • Deut 13:1-4
        • Matt 24 – Signs and wonders
        • Sometimes the Lord allows things to come to pass to prove our faith obedience to the one true God.
  • 2 Thess 2:12
    • The Christian church has pleasure in unrighteousness
    • Being damned Rev 14:8-11
      • America rules over everybody
      • If any man worship
      • Your soul does not burn away in nukes
      • Sin covers many things religion, politics, and economics
    • Rev 14:12
      • This is how we become saved
  • 2 Thess 2:12
    • Unrighteousness is sin
    • Rom 1:25
      • the Creature Rom 1:23 – creature (example man – Caesar Borgia), birds, and animals
  • The 3 Abrahamic Faiths
    • Rom 1:26-32
      • Not to retain God in their knowledge (2 Thess 2:12)
      • Covenant breakers (divorce)
  • 2 Esd 7:6-8
    • Kingdom is Heaven on Earth
    • A path only wide enough for one to walk alone
    • Eze 14:20
      • We cannot save our family, it must be done by their own righteousness
  • 2 Esd 7:10-21
    • We will go through the trials and tribulations one at a time
    • The world was made for Israel’s sake
    • If you do not go through trials and tribulations, you can never get the kingdom
    • It is ordained that the ungodly should perish
    • All will suffer but only the righteous will be rewarded
    • The punishment is the torment for Revelation 14

Note Key

[Text] – Scripture
[Text] – Emphasized parts of scripture
Text – Referenced Scriptures but not pulled
Text – Adds clarification but not referenced or pulled
Text – Outside Sources

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