What is a strong black woman?

  • Lev 19:17-18
    • First and foremost for those married is the spouse
    • A toxic relationship in the world and continue after the truth
    • Say evil and wicked stuff to each other
    • Spouses cannot have hatred toward each other and say they love the Lord
  • 1 Pet 3:8-10
  • There are two types of Strong Black Woman (Scriptural and Worldly)
    • Psa 82:4 – All the foundations of the earth out of course
      • How things setup from the beginning out of course
      • Things have changed their place
      • Everything going into the wrong direction
      • The fourth beast did this, change time and laws
    • Society teaches that the woman should be the leaders and the brothers following
  • Isa 60:2
    • Sin has covered the earth
    • The people (Children of Israel) we be more wicked than everyone else
      • We make music to degrade each other and ourselves
      • The women want to be independent from their man
  • Isa 29:14-16
    • This people = Children of Israel
    • Somebody is trying to hide what they are doing from God
    • Their work doing in the dark = no one can see them
      • As slaves made us so we could not read or right
      • Turned the woman against us
      • The woman look at us as the enemy today
    • Esteemed as the potter’s clay = God can and will fix it to be as it is supposed to be
  • Jer 31:22
    • Women been empowered that they are equal
  • Psa 83:1-3
    • Who are God’s enemies?
      • All the other nations
    • Lifted up the head = ruling in society today
      • Make laws against God
      • Put themselves up as God
    • Some bring crafty counsel to the truth
    • Whether the Willie Lynch letter was made up or not, the things written in it happened
      • For good economics, they need control over the black woman
      • A broken woman will train her enemies to love the slave master
  • Satan did not come to Adam, he came through Eve (the woman)
    • Satan understands to destroy Israel, he must go through the woman
    • 2 Cor 11:3
    • 1 Tim 2:13-14
      • As today, the woman is being deceived by the white man
      • Plays a big role in raising the children
  • We are supposed to control our wives Gen 3:16
    • Dependency should be on the husband
    • Adam taught eve the commandments but she didnt respect him
    • The white man destroyed the image of the black man in your presence

Note Key

[Text] – Scripture
[Text] – Emphasized parts of scripture
Text – Referenced Scriptures but not pulled
Text – Adds clarification but not referenced or pulled
Text – Outside Sources

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