Christians Do Not Believe in the Bible

  • When a man commits adultery he is conquering the woman, when a woman cheats she is being conquered
  • Sir 36:24
    • Get a wife, get a possession, a help that is just like you, and pillar of rest
    • Where no hedge (wife become a spoil- will be conquered)
      • Prov 31:11-12 – A righteous woman
    • Deut 22:23-24
      • Damsel engaged to a man
      • humbled neighbors wife = conqued/spoiled
      • Jer 3:1 (though shalt not commit adultery)
        • land polluted = the woman
    • Phil 3:14
      • To wake up to the truth is that you have a high calling from God
      • Rom 9:11-16
        • No unrighteousness with God
        • We cannot will ourselves to follow the one true God
    • Eze 3:17
      • We are watchmen to the nation of Israel, it is our job to warn the people
      • Isa 58:1 – antagonizing is not the same as warning
      • Rom 10:16-18
        • Not everyone will get it
        • Teachings will go throughout all the earth
      • Rom 3:1-2
        • Circumcision of the mind?
          • Rom 12:2
          • Mark 7:21-23
            • Evil thoughts come from our mind
            • Circumsized the heart = getting rid of sin
        • John 4:22
          • If want salvation, must follow Judah, they are keeping the law and under the covenant, Northern Kingdom (Ephraim) was not at that time
        • Rom3:3
        • 2 Cor 4:3
      • Acts 5:38-39
      • Gal 3:13
        • The whole nation of Edom involved in slavery (before the kkk and sheets, it was Christians)
      • 2 Cor 4:3
        • If dont understand you Israel, Christ is black, you are lost
  • Christians go against everything this bible says
    • Acts 11:26 12 disciples were Israelites – called Christians first
      • James 1:1
    • John 10:15 – The other ten tribes were Christians
    • Matt 15:24
      • John 10:15-16
      • No more two kingdoms
    • John 7:38
      • Lev 11:1-2 – Dietary Law
        • Isa 66:15-17
          • purifying self = water baptism
    • Lev 18:22
      • 1 Cor 6:9
        • Christianity is worshipping another god, they will have the same judgment as homosexuals, other sins
    • Demons jump on you when you break God’s laws
    • Rom 6:23
    • 1 Cor 11:1 – Paul followed Christ
      • Christ kept the commandments and Paul did as well
      • 1 Cor 5:7-8 – Let us keep the feast
        • lamb sacrificed on the passover = Christ
        • People in Corinth were Isrealites, only Israel able to keep the feast
    • 1 Cor 16:7-8 – First Christians were Israelites, they kept the feasts (Pentacost)
    • Acts 16:12-13 – Paul knew which day was the Sabbath, we are using that same calendar (Gregorian – Greco/Roman calendar)
    • Acts 27:9 – The Fast (Day of Atonement)
    • Isa 56:1-2 – Blessed is the man that keeps the Sabbath
      • Isa 66:22-23
    • Jer 31:35-37
      • The Lord is still dealing with Israel

Note Key

[Text] – Scripture
[Text] – Emphasized parts of scripture
Text – Referenced Scriptures but not pulled
Text – Adds clarification but not referenced or pulled
Text – Outside Sources

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