Abraham Examples of Faith

  • Romans 15:4
    1. Things written before time
    2. Bible written for us to learn from
  • Gen 12:1
    1. Get out from father’s house
    2. Relocated, called out of where we were to do what God told us to do
    3. Faith, be confident in our calling
  • 1 Thess 2:10-11
    1. We witnesses
    2. Who we are in the truth, same way in the truth
    3. Security known and recognized
    4. We have to continually be who God told us to be
    5. We must walk worthy into this kingdom
    6. Us called from wickedness to come into the light
  • 1 Pet 2:9
    1. A chosen Generation
      • Deut 7:6
        • Not everybody can do every office, certain spirits for certain offices
        • We were chosen to be special above everybody
        • We have to look at ourselves with confidence, not prideful to have confidence in our nation
    2. We were called out of darkness into light
    3. Abraham called out of a land of idolatry to serve the Lord
  • Gen 15:1-5
    1. The same thing told to Abraham is told to us today
    2. Don’t let us become monotnouse
    3. We are the shepherds to protect the sheep
    4. Abraham in old, but he believed it
    5. Things called to this truth we may seem impossible
    6. Number the stars, Abram still believed in the Lord
  • Galatians 3:2
    1. They did not receive understanding from animal sacrifice, he heard what God said and believed
    2. The Lord searches the heart
    3. Our faith is shown by our actions
    4. James 2:17
      • Faith without works is dead
    5. They received Holy Ghost through hearing the word
      • Paul got knocked off a horse
      • Cornelius heard the word and believed
        • Acts 10:1, 44 – fell on all them that heard the word
          1. Circumcision – southern kingdom
          2. Gentiles – Northern kingdom
    6. What Paul had to remind them of
    7. Without seeing a miracle we believed
      • 2 Esdras 1:35-
        • We haven’t seen any signs from God, but we believed
    8. Gal 3:3 – they were being led back into animal sacrifice
      • Did not have faith in the Messiah’s blood
      • Show your faith by your works
      • Through trial and error you become proficient
  • Luke 8:15
    1. 4th type of Israelite – we must have an honest and good heart when maintaining the office
      • Your attitude transfers to your word
      • Suck the joy out of the room
  • Matthew 3:7-8
    1. Fruits meet for repentance
      • Proof of your repentence
    2. Generation of vipers
    3. John the Baptist getting on the Pharisees
    4. Called a viper, highest form of disrespect
    5. Security is a safety for the body
    6. Food is also a way to get to the leadership, must remain circumspect in our office
  • Gen 18:1-
    1. Abraham showed hospitality
  • Gen 18:6-8
    1. Abraham order his house
    2. A man is needed to direct things
    3. Men to the family barbecues
    4. When leadership comes to town, make sure they are secure and fed
    5. Show hospitality and charity in our offices
  • Gen 18:8-
    1. When receive order and instruction, a thrown curve ball
  • Gen 18:11
    1. She did not believe she would not have kids
    2. A woe is me spirit
    3. We are special above all people
    4. Whether you think you can or can’t you are right
    5. Bar 3:36
      • We are smarter than the unrepentant and heathen
        • Constant fight to meditate in the book
    6. Do our office with all our strength
  • Gen 18:13
    1. Nothing is too hard for the Lord
    2. Laughter is doubt
  • Psalms 84:10
    1. A doorkeeper in the house of God (security)
    2. Not make it to the kingdom, you will die, not making it outside the door
    3. Rev 21:12
      • 12 gates and 12 angels (security)
      • Rev 22:14
        • Angels at the gate, if not doing the commandments, not enter into the gate
      • Rev 22:15
        • Dogs are the other nations, zodiac signs for their behavior, whoremongers (when things go wrong) – we are all security at camp, murderers, those that hate brothers and sisters for no reason, idolaors (living a double life), love and make the lies
  • Genesis 14:14
    1. Armed his trained servants, Abraham trained his servants
    2. Set up a flank (military tactictian)
    3. 2 Chron 23:19 – porter was the security of the temple
    4. 1 Chron 9:23-25
      • Held post for seven days (a certain spirit to deal in certain offices)
    5. 2 Sam 23:16-21
      • 1 of David’s mighty men kill 300 people
      • When we have a good and honest heart, he will put the spirit behind us
  • 1 Esdras 1:16
    1. Security primary, not lawful to leave your post
    2. The importance of security
  • 2 Esd 9:7
    1. Everyone saved, escape by his works, fruits of repentance, and faith
    2. Works determine your level of faith
    3. Psalms 34:7
      • Angel of the Lord encamps about those that fear him, be circumspect but not fearful
    4. From the beginning we were meant to be in the positions we are in
      • We have to do work in order to get our names scratched out
  • Gen 17:1, 9-10
    1. Abraham 99 years old, was told to be perfect
    2. Proof of covenant was Abraham’s circumcision
    3. Romans 4:11 – Sign of circumcision, seal of the righteousness of the faith that he had
      • Sign of our faith is us joining an office
  • Gen 17:11-12
    1. The sign was to get circumcised
    2. Many were not circumcised when coming into the truth
  • Rom 4:1-6
    1. Abraham could glory in the sacrifice
    2. The problem with the scribes and Pharisees
    3. We must know the history of Abraham
    4. Sacrifice is about paying a debt, nothing to do with grace, a sacrifice for a sin
    5. Them that do not sacrifice but believe in Christ, counts for righteousness
  • 2 Corinthians 5:17
    1. A new creature in Christ, old things become new
  • Rom 4:8-
    1. Show proof of faith, got circumsized
  • John 1:29
    1. John knew Christ was the lamb of God, already preparing people for Christ
  • Acts 5:30-31
    1. Repentance to Israel and repentance of sins, because John told him
    2. Acts 5:32
      • Holy Ghost given to them that obey them
      • When you go, the spirit stays where you left it
      • Pray that everybody endures
  • Acts 13:38
    1. All that believes in Christ, justified in all things not able to be justified under the law of Moses
    2. Exodus 31:14
      • Keep the Sabbath and not defile it, put to death
    3. Without that justification, we would all be dead
  • Hebrews 11:8
    1. Abraham did not know where he was going
    2. Ur of the Chaldees – not a meagar city
  • Abraham
    1. Taken from among his family (out of darkness)
    2. Works showed his faith
    3. Man of War
    4. Showed hospitality
    5. Had household in order – Gen 18:19
    6. Called a friend of the Lord
  • Genesis 20:1
    1. Abimelech took Abrahams wife
    2. Abraham came to a city, but got the attention of the king of that city
    3. Genesis 14:14
      • Had 318 servants with him at all times, Abraham got the attention of all the people of the city
      • Abraham wanted to be peaceable
    4. Abraham did not receive nothing for free
  • Hebrews 11:8-13
    1. Isaac and Jacob heirs of the same promise, cannot be everyone
    2. Sarah had faith because her husband had faith
    3. Sometimes major works are what as seen as small
    4. The land given to Abraham, was not given until after Moses, had faith in the Lord
  • Hebrews 2:1

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[Text] – Emphasized parts of scripture
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Text – Outside Sources

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